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Isikizi (Season 1 & 2)

Isikizi (Season 1 & 2)

Project Description

Isikizi 1
What if a young man runs away from home after hearing about a damning prophecy, which forebodes that he will kill his father and marry his mother. Only to find himself tangled in a web of spiritually infused intrigue that sees him fulfill the very prophecy he set out to avoid? Will he finally face that which he has run away from all his life? Will he take up his rightful place as Chief of his birth village after discovering his true parentage?

Isikizi 2
While Sizwe deals with the aftermath of Zanomtheto’s corrupt rule, a world-weary man who hustles the streets of Mthatha learns his true identity. MCETHE DANA is Zanomtheto’s second born son and the rightful heir to the throne. Before he was even born, the mother of a cattle trader cast a horrible curse on the Mjoli bloodline as vengeance for the death of her son: “If you do not kill this unborn child (Mcethe) as you have killed mine, he will grow to be an evil man that will destroy the Mjoli clan”. Having lived a grim life, Mcethe embraces the curse and seeks to fulfill it.

Project Details

Tags: TV

Location: Eastern Cape

Episodes: 13

Seasons: 2

Year: 2016 and 2019

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