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Hidden Histories – Bullhoek Massacre

Hidden Histories – Bullhoek Massacre

Project Description

The Bulhoek Massacre is a documentary in the Hidden Histories’s slate of documentaries produced for SABC 1. The series investigates historical occurrences or people of significance that may not be widely known:

Bullhoek Massacre: The Bulhoek massacre signifies a point when government recognised the independent African churches as powerful organisations that could mobilise black people into action against political injustices. Bulhoek was the home of the charismatic leader of the Israelite Church, Enoch Mgijima, considered a Prophet by many of his followers. They banded together in the belief of imminent and total transformation promised by Mgijima through his visions. Enoch Mgijima’s most influential vision saw the Israelites waiting in Ntabelanga for the end of the world and the coming of the Lord; not knowing that they were awaiting death. To some, Enoch Mgijima was responsible for the death of the Israelites, while others consider him to have offered what people were most desperate for in a time of political oppression- hope. Bullhoek Massacre was directed by Sphume Sibeko with Uwe Jansch as Director of Photography.

Project Details

Client: Make new custom fields

Tags: Documentary

Director: Sphumelele Sibeko

Production Company: Penguin Films

Episodes: 1

Seasons: 1

Year: 2013

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