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Mazinyo Dot Q

Mazinyo Dot Q

Project Description

This sitcom is set in a Bed & Breakfast in Gugulethu Township outside Cape Town, owned by Ma Mavuso-September who is hoping to cash in on the overseas tourist market in search of the “true African township” experience. The central theme is of love and acceptance that spans continents and offers us the opportunity of exploring cross cultural issues and differences, ultimately revealing that even if we think that we are different, we have so much in common.

Our story starts in London with Charles Hooper, a young, somewhat nerdy first generation Londoner of Jamaican parentage who keeps the accounts of his mother’s sandwich business by day, but by night, carries out an intimate affair… with his computer and his internet in particular.

It’s here in an internet chat-room that he meets the perfect woman. Charles Hooper is in love… for the 22nd time in his life… except… this time, it’s reciprocated. He is loved back!! By a Naomi Campbell look-alike no less – a woman called Thembi Mavuso-September who appreciates him for his mind, his sensitivity and his integrity.

Only one catch. Thembi is in South Africa. But their cyberspace romance is 3 weeks old, in Internet terms that’s 1.75 years of intense romance and courtship. By now, Charles is certain that Thembi is the woman of his dreams. He is ready to leave London and the protection of his loving, domineering mother in order to meet this African apparition.

Back in South Africa – Thembi doesn’t have a clue that she has been corresponding with anyone in London. Mainly because she hasn’t. Thembi’s brother, Zakes, a computer junkie, has been busy. Every night for the last 3 weeks, he has been on the Internet for up to 5 hours a night, sending lovey-dovey emails to poor naïve, love-starved Charles. Charles thinks Zakes is Thembi Mavuso-September, the woman of his dreams. Zakes thinks Charles is likeable in a pathetic sort of way. And now he’s got to tell his sister that he has been carrying on an intense relationship with another man on her behalf, and extended an open invitation to visit “her” whenever he felt it. Hell – Zakes never thought Charles would actually do it. He’s even rather cavalierly given Charles the address: “Ma Mavuso’s Mansion”, the classiest B&B in Gugulethu township.

And now Charles is flying 7 000 miles to Cape Town, to meet Thembi – the woman of his dreams! If only she knew he was coming. If only she knew he existed…

Project Details

Tags: TV

Production Company: Penguin Films

Episodes: 26

Seasons: 1

Year: 2005

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